designing a home for collectorsdesigning a home for collectors

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designing a home for collectors

Do you collect dolls, maybe die-cast cars or action figures? Do you have a room of your own to display all of your prize possession safely? If you are a collector of any sort, you need to have at least one area of your home in which you can display the things that you enjoy so much. I have created this blog to show other collectors how to design a space in the home to display, store and showcase the items that fill their hearts with joy, take them back to their childhood and just make people proud of what they have.

4 Tips For Decorating Your Home

Having a home that looks inviting and attractive is sure to be high on your list of priorities. This will give you a place to come home to each day that allows you to feel your best. The good news is there are many ways you can decorate your home to help it be more attractive for you and any guests you may have. Knowing specific tips that can help you achieve this goal is sure to be helpful.

Tip #1: Hang artwork

Regardless if you love to paint or visit a home décor place to purchase artwork, you will want to accurately place these. It's ideal to put any pictures you have at the proper level in each room of your home.

Of course, this can vary based on the height of your ceilings, the dimension of the room and your personal preferences.

Tip #2: Change the paint

There is nothing that may help alter the look of any room in your home as fast as a coat of paint. You will want to consider how you want the room to appear and then purchase the right color of paint to accomplish this goal.

Tip #3: Alter the fixtures

Have you ever noticed how many light fixtures could help your home look different? One way to have a more contemporary or traditional look in your property is by changing out the light fixtures. 

This can have a dramatic effect when you do this in most of the rooms in your home. Be sure to consider your budget because many of these can get pricier than you may have imagined.

Tip #4: Add new rugs

Putting a variety of rugs in your home can swiftly help your living space look cozier and inviting. Regardless if you're looking for a bold or more neutral look, you're sure to find the right rug to help you do so.

Additionally, there are many various rug patterns that can add to the focal point of your home and attract a significant amount of attention in the process.

You can be in charge of how you want your living space to appear with the right amount of effort. Taking time to improve the décor of your home can be well worth all the time you invest in doing so. If you need assistance, be sure to rely on the expertise of an interior designer in your area.